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What are good software development strategies?

Investing in business software can be fraught with risk and difficulty, but not if you adopt the right strategy.

There are two phrases we use a lot when discussing options with clients and prospects.

The first is: “Evolution, not revolution”

Old systems which work may not tick all the boxes, but they do tick the “working” box. Such systems can often be augmented or supplemented by newer technology which can provide additional capabilities and fill in some of the gaps.

Progressive improvement, without a massive change programme and associated budget, enables you to enhance your business’s processes and productivity over time.

Newer more adaptable systems or components can progressively take on the tasks previously only handled by your legacy systems, eventually replacing them altogether.

Our second phrase is: “Easy in, easy out”

If you are investing in a new technology it should be easy to adopt, but also easy to ditch!

While the latest shiny solution may do all you want now, technology changes extremely fast. It can be all to easy to over invest to one solution making it difficult to change later. You need to be ready and able to swap it, or bits of it, out without significant cost or disruption.